My Three Kid Circus

This may be as crazy as it gets… but we're lovin' it!

Dinner Leftovers Turned to Lunch March 9, 2012

Filed under: Bento — The Fong Family @ 2:09 pm

A couple lunches from this week.  It was a good week for using up dinner leftovers!


 The Contents:  Honeydew, half an orange, leftover teriyaki chicken, crackers and cheese.  Not shown:  a small container of pudding.

The Details:  This was a leftover kind of lunch.  One serving of chicken left from the previous night’s dinner that my hubby opted not to take, so the kids got it.  Wasn’t enough by itself, hence, crackers and cheese too.  Have you done pudding for your kids?  Easy enough to make in the morning and pour into individual sized cups.  It’ll set by the time the rest of lunch is made.  Love that it’s another easy source of protien and calcium for my non-milk-drinking kids.

The Contents:Thermos of chicken noodle soup and rice soup, honeydew, apple slices, turkey on a baguette sandwich and yogurt covered pretzels.

The Details: My family barely touched the wild rice from dinner the night before so there was plenty to add to a can of chicken noodle soup.  Made for a lunchtime favorite. 

The Verdict:  My kids said this lunch was a favorite.  Honestly, I was surprised they ate it all!


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