My Three Kid Circus

This may be as crazy as it gets… but we're lovin' it!

Happy St. Patty’s Day! March 17, 2011

Filed under: Bento,Celebrations — The Fong Family @ 2:10 pm

Those pesky Leprechauns!  Once again, they wreaked havoc on our kitchen.  They tipped the chairs and cereal bowls.  They switched out cereal spoons for forks.  They turned the milk green and this year, they somehow got into our eggs and turned the eggs green too!  Of course, they left their customary box of Lucky Charms, and despite the fact they had very clearly gone near or even into the traps, they all got away.  One of them was even brave enough to play with the blocks and Legos my five year old used to build a second trap, destroying it, but alas, it too, was not caught!

My seven year old thought for sure I’d be doing green lunches today, but I surprised him (huh, I’m tricky, just like the Leprechaun’s, eh?) and did rainbow lunches instead.

The Contents – a pot of gold, sunshine, rainbow fruit-bobs, shamrock sandwiches and a rainbow over booty clouds.  Not pictured is a small container of lemon pudding, which darn those Leprechauns, they turned that green too!

The Details – Fun times, and I love how colorful the fruit-bobs make their lunches.  I had other, even brighter fruits, but someone ate all of my strawberries and a few others are on banana strikes.  Oh well.  I do want to remember this as a potential layout for an entire side of fruits and veggies, not necessarily on sticks.  The licorice rainbow is made of rainbow Twizzlers – the idea came from this fun post but I had to make it waste-free for their lunches, just ’cause that’s how I roll.

The Verdict – My five year old has given it a “looks cute,” but didn’t care much for his fruit-bobs.  We’ll see what the others say, but I have my guess 🙂

Hope you have a great St. Patty’s Day, however you celebrate!

Linked up to What’s For Lunch.

ETA – If you’ve visiting, please make sure that you check out this page for a very cool give away!


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